
Crantock Lodge residential care home has a top food hygiene rating

All meals at Crantock Lodge are home cooked. We have a top Food Hygiene Rating of 5 and we do home baking most days.

Residents are consulted on the menu; choices are available for each meal and snacks so you can choose an alternative if you wish.

Kitchen hours are 7.00am to 9.00pm and drinks and snacks are available 24 hours a day, every day. Breakfast is normally served in your room; lunch is in the dining room at 12.00 noon and tea also in the dining room at 5.00pm. You may have your meals served in your room, if you prefer.

We will also cater for any special dietary requirements, which will be identified during the preparation of your care plan.

Here’s our latest menu, as chosen by our lovely residents!

Crantock Lodge Residential Care Home
34 Bonython Road, Porth, Newquay, Cornwall, TR7 3AN

Tel: 01637 872 112 | Email: [email protected] | © 2018 Crantock Lodge

Food hygiene rating: 5
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Call: 01637 872112